Wednesday, June 11, 2008

South Park and Boondocks

While flipping through the television stations bored and restless late one night, I stumbled upon an episode of "The Boondocks" on MTV. The show features dubbed over Italian voices, so it was somewhat difficult to follow the plot. However, it is a safe assumption that it was about some sort of racial satire. While watching, I could not help but think what Italians think of this program. Do they view our racial issues in a way that is presented in this show? Do they believe that this is what America is like? They do not necessarily understand that this is a satire, so they could potentially get the wrong idea about our culture.

Following "The Boondocks" was "South Park." Of course, "South Park," fouces on four foul-mouth grade schoolers who seem to grasp more of an understanding of the world than their parents. Although this is a cartoon, once again I could easily imagine Italian citizens thinking that all Americans are immature trouble-makers like Cartman. These two shows are not accurate depictions of the Americn culture, so I hope the Italians do not reach those assumptions.

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