Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Before coming to Rome, I never thought that I would see a culture who guzzles as much caffeine as Americans. On the way to work, nearly everyone stops by a Dunkin' Donuts or a Starbucks to get the shot of adrenaline that they need to get through another macabre workday. Then during the day, the best way to escape from the dreaded cubicle is to get up and visit the coffee room. However, after going to Cafe Gi-Ma a few times during our lunch break, I see some of the same people there again ordering paninis and another shot of espresso. Italians love their coffee as much as the average American, and they must also get drained from their workdays just like us. Watching people in suits suck down an espresso in order to make it through the long and hot afternoon hours of work. I even think that the hours around noon may even be busier than in the mornings. But this is probably because we usually go around 8:45 AM, so most of the people are already at their jobs.

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