Friday, May 16, 2008

Welcome to Rome

Welcome friends, this is where i will attempt to channel my inner Hunter S. Thompson and dive into the realm of gonzo journalism via this blog. However, unlike Mr. Thompson I hope that I can provide everyone with my insight and vivid descripitions of Rome without the aid of drug-induced hallucinations. First, I would like to detail my initial encounters with the local Romans, on whom I cannot help but feel that I am intruding on every day. Like the stereotypical American elitist, I came to this country with absolutely no knowledge of the Italian language or customs because I was raised to think that the American lifestyle is the only lifestyle. Naturally, my first conversations with the Italians were awkwardly hilarious to say the least. On this blog, I will continue to update the progress of effort to pick up little nuances of the language over the coming weeks, which will hopefully lead to an improvement in my Italian social skills.

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