Monday, May 19, 2008

how i wish i was a rich man

On Sunday afternoon after watching the Roma game with some real Italian soccer fanatics, we decided to go for a walk in the area around the Campo. After getting somewhat lost and wandering around aimlessly for an hour or so, we ended up on the road that leads to the Spanish Steps. Most people are amazed by the steps, which truly are a sight to behold, but something else caught my attention: the designer stores on the street. Now granted, I know nothing about fashion. My idea of getting dressed up is wearing a pair of jeans and some t-shirt that I found at the bottom of one of my drawers, but these stores were unreal. Out of pure curiosity, we went in to the Gucci store just to see how much a suit cost. Upon entering the glass doors, I suddenly realized that I was wearing shorts and one of my aforementioned so-stylish t-shirts. The woman who was working kind of shot me an awkward look, so I immediatly put my head down and made a direct and swift move to the stairs that led to the men's department. After navigating through the store, I finally found the suit department. The first suit I looked at was a black pinstripe three-piece suit. The price: a modest 1400 euro. The second suit was an all black, and upon feeling the material, I realized that the appeal to these fine suits is that you would feel as if you were walking around so freely, almost like you were not wearing anything. This suit was even more expensive, selling for 1600 euro. Sheepishly, I left the store knowing that I really did not belong there. Someday, after I hit the lottery, I will be the most stylish man in the world after I stock my wardrobe with suits that are worth even more money.

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