Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Just last week, I was complaining about how the rain and cool weather was growing tiresome. I whined that I could not meander around the city without getting soaked and that Rome was not supposed to have this climate. However, a week later I am longing for that brisk weather. This proves the old adage, you always want what you can't have. I guess I was idealistically hoping for a pleasurable balance. Sunny days with a a few clouds and a slight breeze. Those perfect days where you can walk around for hours without feeling the least bit uncomfortable because of the gentle wind. Sadly, I think the days of the cozy spring days are long gone.

I am a firm believer that excessive heat is blessed with the ability to drive people insane. People become confrontational, irritable, edgy, and petulant. For years I have witnessed this craziness as a caddy in Philadelphia. On the hot and humid days, generally nice guys complain for hours about slow play, get upset over pretty good shots, and even throw clubs. I truly feel that this primal behavior stems from people tiring of the scorching ball of fire the looms from above in the summer. Without air condition in our apartment or at school, I am scared that I may slip into a state of senility as the summer progresses. I have always had the luxury of air condition at home, so this next month without it may be the biggest culture shock that I will face on this trip.

1 comment:

Tom Benson said...

Dom, you are right about the weather. It is almost certainly going to start getting hot. June is usually hot. July is really, really hot. August is an oven.

Stay hydrated. Always carry a water bottle. Walk on the shady side of the street. Rest a bit after lunch, in the heat of the day. Consider a hat. Keep your spirits up by reminding yourself of those golfers.